Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Malachi 5-Miler in the Bag!

Anyone who was out today braving the cold and sleet knows this was a tough race. Phew! Waiting for the race to begin was perhaps the coldest I've ever been. As we toed the line at the start, and realizing how frozen my hands and feet were at this point, it was all I could do to actually run with the pack and not run back to me car.

The first mile I had poor footing, navigating through a thick crowd all while trying not to slip and fall in the slippery slush as we headed over the Detroit-Superior Bridge. Mile 2 brought a little relief from sliding, but was equally challenging in that I was now faced with potholes and puddles. As we rounded the Rock Hall at mile 3, feeling started coming back in my hands and feet. Thank goodness, but then the slipperiest part of the course between miles 3 and 4 resulted in a slower than expected pace. As I rounded the corner and headed back over the Bridge, I knew I made the right choice to start and finish the race.

Great finish line amenity was the Irish stew compliments of Earth Fare, which did wonders to warm me up. Mmmmm!

We were freezing!
What a great way to begin the St. Patrick's Day weekend!  Thank you, Kim, for joining me on this cold CLE morning and for my pumpkin for waiting on me at the finish line!

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