Not as many miles accomplished this week. I'm going to "blame" it on the birthday, Miami, and Patron XO. Sounds good to me at least!
Tuesday-one hour Ashtanga Yoga class at 6am with Meg joining me. Noontime tempo run of 3 miles at 5.8, 6.0 and 6.2 mph.
Wednesday-birthday. Still managed to do strength/core workout of 10+1 in 5:45 and 3 sets of 10 of squats and tricep dips.
Thursday-fantastic 4.25 mile run along the Miami shoreline. Tempo run of sorts because I had just 45 minutes to squeeze in this run before my deep tissue massage.
Friday-walked 2-3 miles around South Beach. Relaxing day.
Saturday-return flight. No workout.
Sunday-13 of the most miserable slushy, slippery, snowy miles I have ever run, not counting the Run for Regis half marathon this past January. It was like running in sand with terrible footing and no traction. I mean, seriously, this snow is REALLY getting old!
Hope everyone had an equally good week. Congrats to Kim for tackling an 11 miler this weekend!
Sorry I missed your birthday! Hope it was a good one!