The jogging stroller was the best investment we've made. It has logged in thousands of miles carting B places and races and many adventures.
Below shows her growing up, beginning in 2007 and ending with a Memorial Day race in May 2013. She eventually became too big and too heavy for me to push, but what a wonderful journey we've had!
Top left: October 2007 in DC at my Marine Corps Marathon. Top right: August 2008 in Cleveland.
Bottom left: August 2009 in Oregon at Voodoo Donuts. Bottom right: October 2010 in New Mexico after our Day of the Dead 10k race. |
To Left: at the Girls with Sole race in June 2010. Top right: in Savannah, GA in 2011 at a 5k halloween race.
Bottom left: falling asleep after one of my runs in the Metroparks in 2012. Bottom right: at our last race in May 2013 in Cleveland. |