Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Scent of Coffee

Sometimes, it's the little things that we need.  Not just a bed, warmth, love, food.  But the simplicity of a routine.

We sold our house and moved out last week.  Didn't plan to.  Listed the house on a whim.  Sold it in eight days.  SOLD. IT. IN. EIGHT. DAYS. Didn't have a Plan B.

We ultimately found a house that we love.  One catch.  We will have a gap in addresses of about 5 weeks.  So for a few days, we lived in a hotel. Not wanting to tear up the dogs, we took them to our lovely dog sitter who they adore.  One of the things I immediately missed was my coffee pot and my morning routine of making coffee with Jameson. 

You see, I would get up every morning at 6, grind the beans. While waiting for the coffee to brew, I would fill up my Jameson's food and water while smelling the amazing aroma of coffee brewing. 

In that 10 minute time, I would sit in the kitchen floor and give my dog so much love.  It was a great routine. And one that I truly missed.

But this morning in our transitional digs, with the dogs back under our feet, the coffee smelled even better and I am sure that Jameson loved having his ears rubbed an extra bunch.  And just like that, we fell back into our routine...

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