Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Workout Wednesday: Back to the Basics

So I got on the scale today.  Let me just tell you, processed food in the form of cookies and other little nuggest of craptastic tasting goodness catch up to you.  I am 12 pounds over my half marathon weight.  Now mind you, this is 12 pounds over my NORMAL half marathon weight.  That number still doesn't make me just means I'm dragging less arse around.

So it's back to the basics.  I completed my first weekday 3-mile run last night.  For the rest of the week, I will pass on processed stuff.  I am going to make a diligent effort to eliminate pasta and bread this week and stick to protein and vegetables.

I can't commit to full-blown workout sessions as my work life and family life have taken on a new meaning of busy. Plus, this weather in Cleveland has been anything but kind to the outdoorsy types.  Instead, I will try to do leg lifts, calf raises, squats and lunges while I'm waiting for my coffee to brew in the morning.  By my estimation, I should be able to squeeze in 20 leg lifts (10 per side), 20 calf rasies, 20 squats and 20 lunges before pouring my first cup.

It's a start.  Care to join me in getting back to the basics?

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