Friday, January 7, 2011

Fitness When You're on the Go Go

This post could begin with a Wham song - you know, Wake me up before you go go, but I'm terrible about song lyrics. I used to think Axl was actually saying "Take me down to the bare ass city." Yep, I'm that girl that sings out loud and NEVER gets the lyrics right.

But the focus of today's post is trying to get in a little fitness when you're pressed for time or maybe don't have the access to a gym because you're traveling or it's too dark for a run. Or maybe, just maybe, you just don't feel like it (been there, done that). I found this especially true during the holiday season while trying to shop/wrap/ship presents, cook, clean (my immediately family might challenge me on this one), and partake in holiday festivities (translation: trying out all those wonderful seasonal brews). So for the past couple of weeks, I've been trying out "mini" workouts and found these two workouts eliminate all excuses, well, except the "I don't want to" excuse.

1. Lauren Conrad from The Hills and Laguna Beach. Don't mock me. I love her and will shell out 4 bucks every time she's on the cover of a magazine. And you thought I was pathetic because I didn't know the EXACT words to a Guns n Roses song. LC's trainer recommends the following when she's traveling and this can be done easily in a hotel room (just use a towel on the floor...otherwise, no telling what you'll acquire). Do this circuit 6 times. I do 3 myself, but I'm not an overachiever.

20 squats
20 situps
20 pushups
20 couch dips
holding plank for 20 seconds

2. Tony Horton, creator of P90X and currently the biggest bad ass in fitness. Tony recommends 10 minutes of what he calls U.C.M.L. - upper, cardio, middle, lower. Do as many pushups as you can with good form (in my world, girl pushups count), then any kind of cardio move (mountain climbers, jumping rope, running in place) for 60 seconds. Do 30 reps of an abdonminal move. Finish with 20-30 reps of a squat or plyometric jump. Do this for 3-6 rounds. I was exhausted after one round, but am committed to not let Tony win.

The best part about both of these is that they are easy to fit into a busy schedule and will benefit us runners by strengthening our core and maybe...just maybe...bringing a PR or two this year!

Do you have a secret weapon of a workout to share?

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