Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gorgeous Core: DVD Review

First of all, I'm not good about fitness DVDs. Don't get me wrong, I have quite a collection, but I'm terrible about watching them. This one is different. It arrived yesterday in that wonderful little brown box with the "To Robin. Love Amazon" label. I tore it open and prepared myself for the first session: long, lean and strong. Each session is only 12 minutes (my attention span exactly, give or take a few minutes) and packs quite a wallop in those short 12 minutes. Tomorrow is Classic Abwork and I'm not dreading it. Isn't that what a fitness DVD should do - 1) fit easily in your already-crammed schedule; and 2) be challenging, but not discouraging. I can say this DVD is both!

Do you have a go-to fitness DVD?

Today's guilty pleasure: fresh crunchy gala apple. It was my snack today and it was perfect!


  1. I don't do videos either, even though I own several. I think it is more because of the whole "audience" factor, you know...what with the 3 kids and the husband and the I have a small den. I think I prefer the alienation of running. But hey, if my abs could look like hers on the box...maybe I would consider performing for the fam.

  2. I'm thinking I need to get that DVD. I may even "work out" to it.

  3. Today's guilty pleasure- 5 tacos a la Taco Bell.
